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Welcome to the home page for Trinity Women, our women's ministry for females from 18 on up.  We are currently hard at work putting together a program that will help meet the needs of our church and community. We could use your help doing it! If you are the kind of person who likes to dig into a church and volunteer your talents, then Trinity is the place for you!

Weekly Activities




We have two Bible study small groups that meet on Sunday morning at 9:45AM to study God's word together. Manon Mohon is the Bible study leader for the Lydia class. Margaret Edwards and LaRee Monk are the leaders for the Joy class. We would love to have you as a guest in our women's small groups.


Click here for more information about this small group.

We all need to be refreshed and uplifted in the middle of a hectic week. This is your chance to do just that with a group of encouraging women. Lynae Sanford hosts a seasonal Bible study via Zoom on Monday evenings.



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